Friday, 2 December 2011
...I am a self-fulfilling prophecy it seems! However in my defence it's not so much procrastination that has made me stall (although the reflective nature of the last few Things isn't my forte as you will be aware by now!) and more due to the fact that my job role has changed and with it has come more responsibility and a plethora of new tasks to achieve. This is a good 'thing' however! But I am determined to finish this cpd23 journey and have decided that this will be my New Years resolution. So until then...
Friday, 30 September 2011
Thing 17
Prezi...what a fantastic boredom alleviator! I haven't had anywhere near long enough to investigate it properly but the examples of how it can be used that I've looked at are really inspiring. I think creating a professional looking presentation would be easy if you posses a good sense of spatial awareness as it's so animated. Getting to grips with how it works and how best to link information would need time to get right I think, and sadly at the moment time is not something I have a lot of. So again, as with all the "Things" I think would be useful, I shall come back to it. However I'm sure it would be a great way to engage those attending the Library talk at our Corporate Induction...the usual glazed look in their eyes may actually clear for five minutes!
Slideshare looks a great way to promote yourself and your service. I've had a look at some of the visual CV's that are highlighted and they're a great attention grabbing idea, but it does cross my mind that soon we'll all be doing it and the impact and freshness of the idea will become the norm. But then that's the reason new and more dazzling tools emerge and progression happens so it's all part of the process, it's just that it's hard to keep up! I'm also constantly overawed by the way others express and present themselves with such wit and impact... failure at the first hurdle I fear!
Slideshare looks a great way to promote yourself and your service. I've had a look at some of the visual CV's that are highlighted and they're a great attention grabbing idea, but it does cross my mind that soon we'll all be doing it and the impact and freshness of the idea will become the norm. But then that's the reason new and more dazzling tools emerge and progression happens so it's all part of the process, it's just that it's hard to keep up! I'm also constantly overawed by the way others express and present themselves with such wit and impact... failure at the first hurdle I fear!
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Thing 19
I know I have to be reflective for this particular post and I have to say that I think that this time I'm going to find it a bit easier than at the beginning! I've really learnt a lot so far and as the weeks have gone by have managed to keep up quite well, which I never thought I would. On a personal level I've realised the social benefits of Twitter, but not really considered it's use for work, whereas being introduced to Dropbox and Jing have definitely given me food for thought where these tools are concerned in the Library setting. My role at work is due to change shortly and I may well need to start being more concerned about Library promotion (and my own!) so all that I have learnt on this programme will be incredibly valuable I'm sure. I would have liked to have more time to explore the Blogs of others on cpd23 and although I could look back on them in the future, it seems to me that the value of this programme is in it's immediacy. Sometimes I feel that I haven't given the "Things" enough time to fully realise their potential, but I do think that this has been a valuable opportunity for me to be made aware, and briefly explore, tools I haven't yet had a need for but may well do in the future. Probably the most valuable thing for me overall is this Blog (as a record of what I have looked at) and the process of writing about the "Things" (as a means to learn to be reflective).
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Thing 18
I've not tried Jing before, but have done some online learning for my own cpd which has obviously used similar tools. I wondered how it was done...and now I know! I really like how simple it is to use and can see lots of opportunities to create simple tutorials for users of the catalogue particularly to help with searching and remote book renewal. I've shown what it can do to my colleagues who can also see it could be useful, but I think we might have to draw straws for who gets to do the voice overs!
Not sure about podcasts. I, like others who've written about them, wonder if perhaps they aren't used as much as they were and I'm not sure that in our Library setting they would be particularly relevant, so I'm not going to investigate them any further at the moment I'm afraid.
Not sure about podcasts. I, like others who've written about them, wonder if perhaps they aren't used as much as they were and I'm not sure that in our Library setting they would be particularly relevant, so I'm not going to investigate them any further at the moment I'm afraid.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Things 15 & 16
This will be brief I fear as I have little experience of either of these 'Things' to share, although I recognise the benefits of both on a personal professional level, and in the case of advocacy, for the profession as a whole. I haven't had an opportunity to attend conferences as yet, and have certainly had no desire to speak at one, but I think that perhaps in the future, as my current job role develops attending such events would be of great value. I'm passionate about the role of Libraries socially and educationally so must therefore be a sub-concious advocate of them; I will do all that I can to change people's perceptions of the quiet, fusty environment of the stereotypical Library...and sadly of the typical Library worker!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Thing 14
I've opened a Zotero account and had a look at what it's capable of (which is awesome) but at the moment, as I'm not studying for anything specifically, I think it's use for me is limited. It's quite difficult to trial and get the best out of a tool like this if you haven't got a piece of work to apply it to. Only being able to use it with Firefox might be a disadvantage for some too. However, what I will be doing is making our users more aware of these types of applications as we have more angst ridden students desperate to sort out their referencing than anything else at times. I'm not sure if they're made aware of these tools by the Universities, or if they're just told at the beginning of their course when they're facing information overload! It would certainly relieve a lot of heartache at a later date if they were...
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Thing 13
What a brilliant idea and how timely! I created a document last night which I wanted to share for potential editing and didn't know these sites existed, so it was such a coincidence to come into work today and read all about thiese "Things". I've opened a Dropbox account and as with Google calendar can see that I will be using it a lot both at home and work. I'll post an update at a later stage perhaps when I've had a chance to use it a bit more and explored it's use as a tool for file sharing at work. I can also see how valuable Wiki's are for networking and sharing information between small groups or to reach a worldwide audience. I've had a brief look at the contributions on the Library Day in the Life Wiki which I think is a great idea. I shall certainly revisit and I might even be tempted to join in the next round!
Thing 12
CPD23 has certainly increased my personal use of social networks and introduced me to new contacts, but I haven't really considered their use for Library promotion. This is mainly because no one in the Hospital can access any social networks so it currently seems a bit futile! We do have a Library Blog which was set up and is updated by a colleague but I'm unsure as to how much this is viewed. We couldn't have a Library Twitter account at the moment that's for sure!
Things 10 & 11
Working in Libraries was never a conscious decision for me, it just sort of happened. When my eldest daughter was about 18 months old I needed to get back to work to earn money, so when a 15 hour a week post was advertised in my local village Library it seemed like the perfect option (I'd been in retail management before and had no intention of returning to that!) I worked as a Library Assistant there for nearly ten years, holding story-times on a Friday afternoon for pre-school children, hosting school visits and "work experience" sessions for year 6 children from the local Junior school, all of which I loved. The job suited my circumstances at that time, but as my children were growing up I thought I should pursue more of a career for myself so applied for and gained a place on a PGCE course. Sadly this didn't work out (it's a long story which is best left untold I think) but I was fortunate to get a new job as a part time Library Assistant in our local Hospital Library where I have worked for the past 10 years, now as Senior Library Assistant. The environment and work is completely different to the Public Library, but interesting, challenging at times and diverse on occasion. We are part of a network of NHS Libraries across the South West and South of England with a reciprocal ILL agreement, so we can acquire most of the evidence the staff need from our partner Libraries. I also have lots of opportunity to attend courses and pursue any CPD opportunities that come my way, as my Manager is encouraging and generous in allowing me time to attend within my working hours. I still don't know if I want to further my career in Libraries and become a professional for a whole host of reasons which I couldn't list here, but if I do decide to I know that having a good Mentor will be invaluable. In fact I was thinking that finding a Mentor may well give me the push I need to make a positive decision towards gaining that qualification!
Friday, 29 July 2011
Things 8 & 9
Well if for no other reason (which I'm sure there will be many) Google calendar was worth doing cpd23 for! It's great, and when I've got time I'm going to populate it with everything I need to remember for work and home. I love that you can set it to remind you of events by SMS, that's probably the best add on it has for me. So I'm completely sold on it and will use it from now on without fail.
Evernote is a great idea, and I can see the beauty of being able to document everything all in one place, but I don't think I have a use for it at the moment. If you're studying, or working towards Chartership I should imagine it would be invaluable. The web clipper's a good idea too, and the Evernote logo is brilliant with the elephants head and turned down ear. Aren't design agencies clever when they get it so right!
I know I've whistled through my posts about the last 4 Things, but I've caught up, yay! I shall be able to do the next set of things in the right week for a change...procrastinating, me? I don't think so!
Evernote is a great idea, and I can see the beauty of being able to document everything all in one place, but I don't think I have a use for it at the moment. If you're studying, or working towards Chartership I should imagine it would be invaluable. The web clipper's a good idea too, and the Evernote logo is brilliant with the elephants head and turned down ear. Aren't design agencies clever when they get it so right!
I know I've whistled through my posts about the last 4 Things, but I've caught up, yay! I shall be able to do the next set of things in the right week for a change...procrastinating, me? I don't think so!
Things 6 & 7
I've used Facebook for a while and find it useful for keeping in touch with distant friends. I have a few pages that I've "Liked" which have more professional content, but I don't think I would use Facebook for CPD necessarily. I don't use LinkedIn, although I've had a look at it and can see the benefit for professionals looking to social network throughout their careers. This doesn't really apply to, or interest me very much at the moment.
I have been a member of CILIP on and off for a number of years, but I'm not currently as it's become quite expensive for paraprofessionals. However I do recognise the benefits of membership, I've attended some really good courses held at Ridgmount Street, and would obviously rejoin if I was to work towards Chartership in the future.
I have been a member of CILIP on and off for a number of years, but I'm not currently as it's become quite expensive for paraprofessionals. However I do recognise the benefits of membership, I've attended some really good courses held at Ridgmount Street, and would obviously rejoin if I was to work towards Chartership in the future.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Thing 5 (Part 2) Actual reflection...I'm trying!
Well now that I've got that off my chest...
My initial thoughts about this programme, how I'd likely procrastinate and get left behind, haven't quite happened (I'm only one week of "Things" adrift) so I'm pleased about that. However, it is my aim to keep more on top of my posts and not be repeatedly stalled by my fear that what I'm writing will in some way not measure up. It's not that I'm ignoring the tasks, it's that I'm failing to write about them in a timely way. I think this is because I have felt quite overawed by the easy style and wit of some of the Bloggers that I follow, so instead of being intimidated I'm going to try and be inspired and enthused. I need to comment on other's posts more often too, otherwise I will remain in a social network of one!
Of the tools we've covered so far I'm finding I use Twitter the most as I can link all my content on other networks like Flickr and Facebook through there, particularly the upload of my photos on Instagram. I'm a bit unsure about whether it's appropriate to have used an account I set up purely for a social purpose as a CPD tool though. Perhaps I should have opened a new account when I started this blog, although I fear it's a bit late for that now.
And finally...the Thing that I am finding the most difficult (as you've probably already guessed) is blogging. But I do understand the need, and do recognise what a valuable tool it will be for reflection and recall, so I will try very hard to be less cowed and more buoyed by the process!
My initial thoughts about this programme, how I'd likely procrastinate and get left behind, haven't quite happened (I'm only one week of "Things" adrift) so I'm pleased about that. However, it is my aim to keep more on top of my posts and not be repeatedly stalled by my fear that what I'm writing will in some way not measure up. It's not that I'm ignoring the tasks, it's that I'm failing to write about them in a timely way. I think this is because I have felt quite overawed by the easy style and wit of some of the Bloggers that I follow, so instead of being intimidated I'm going to try and be inspired and enthused. I need to comment on other's posts more often too, otherwise I will remain in a social network of one!
Of the tools we've covered so far I'm finding I use Twitter the most as I can link all my content on other networks like Flickr and Facebook through there, particularly the upload of my photos on Instagram. I'm a bit unsure about whether it's appropriate to have used an account I set up purely for a social purpose as a CPD tool though. Perhaps I should have opened a new account when I started this blog, although I fear it's a bit late for that now.
And finally...the Thing that I am finding the most difficult (as you've probably already guessed) is blogging. But I do understand the need, and do recognise what a valuable tool it will be for reflection and recall, so I will try very hard to be less cowed and more buoyed by the process!
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Thing 5 (Part 1)'s all about ME!
Right, I've put this off for long enough...
Reflective practice is not my favourite topic and I agree with the sentiments expressed by Library Wanderer and admire the approach Lib Gloss has taken. I know this isn't supposed to be a post about reflection, rather what you've reflected upon, but I feel I must write down my thoughts on the constant need as I see it to justify and document why we do things the way we do them. It's not perhaps reflection that I have an objection to (after all there's no getting away from it) but the documentary evidence to prove the process. In my work I feel that getting to the end of my day having performed efficiently in locating users what they need shows that I can do the job. I shouldn't have to write it all down and analyse it in order to prove that. To me reflection is just a process we go through from the day we are born...we cry, we get attention, we cry again...but if it doesn't work we try something else which does. It's a sub-concious process where in it's simplest form we learn from our mistakes/triumphs. I don't feel the need to write an analysis of why I do or don't like an experience in my personal life, I just remember it and if it was enjoyable I repeat it. Those things I might reflect on don't necessarily have a conclusion that can be worked out either in my opinion, even if I did write down my thoughts. Perhaps I'm missing the point but in short the act of writing an analysis of my experiences makes me feel self-conscious not empowered, but perhaps that's just a mind-set. However, I do recognise that I will have to start to comply with the process if I want to achieve a professional qualification as they all seem to depend pretty heavily on this sort of self analysis. And there in lies my I want, at my age to meet that challenge? Do I want that qualification enough? Well that's something I've been reflecting on for several years now and I still haven't come to a conclusion...perhaps I should write it all down!
Reflective practice is not my favourite topic and I agree with the sentiments expressed by Library Wanderer and admire the approach Lib Gloss has taken. I know this isn't supposed to be a post about reflection, rather what you've reflected upon, but I feel I must write down my thoughts on the constant need as I see it to justify and document why we do things the way we do them. It's not perhaps reflection that I have an objection to (after all there's no getting away from it) but the documentary evidence to prove the process. In my work I feel that getting to the end of my day having performed efficiently in locating users what they need shows that I can do the job. I shouldn't have to write it all down and analyse it in order to prove that. To me reflection is just a process we go through from the day we are born...we cry, we get attention, we cry again...but if it doesn't work we try something else which does. It's a sub-concious process where in it's simplest form we learn from our mistakes/triumphs. I don't feel the need to write an analysis of why I do or don't like an experience in my personal life, I just remember it and if it was enjoyable I repeat it. Those things I might reflect on don't necessarily have a conclusion that can be worked out either in my opinion, even if I did write down my thoughts. Perhaps I'm missing the point but in short the act of writing an analysis of my experiences makes me feel self-conscious not empowered, but perhaps that's just a mind-set. However, I do recognise that I will have to start to comply with the process if I want to achieve a professional qualification as they all seem to depend pretty heavily on this sort of self analysis. And there in lies my I want, at my age to meet that challenge? Do I want that qualification enough? Well that's something I've been reflecting on for several years now and I still haven't come to a conclusion...perhaps I should write it all down!
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Thing 4
Think this will be brief as I'm lagging behind a bit!
I've had a Twitter account since 2009 (quite proud to be one of the first 22 Million!), but used it very little until recently. I feel, as with all on-line social networking, you need to persevere in order to build up a following, or even an interesting set of people to follow...who don't Tweet too much! I hate it when my timeline fills up with one person's ramblings (that's why I stopped following Stephen Fry who ordinarily I think is great)! So I will continue to read about the lives of the people I follow, pick up on interesting developments professionally, and hope that others will be entertained or informed by my tweets occasionally.
RSS feeds:
Never really been interested in news feeds personally, although I did include a few on our Library Intranet pages. Now I'm wondering how I could have got on without a Google Reader! It's great to be able to view all the bloggers I follow together for one thing, and I suspect that I will add more feeds progressively. I'm not too keen on the look of the Readers pages, they're very busy, a bit boring visually and quite untidy, but it's good to be able to scroll through a timeline of your favourite blogs. I like that it "marks as read" as you scroll through.
Well I've opened an account...and that I suspect is as far as it will go! I can see the value, but aren't there already lots of ways of sharing on-line stuff that you like. I'm not sure that adding a star rating is enough of an inducement for me to use it much, but we shall see...
I've had a Twitter account since 2009 (quite proud to be one of the first 22 Million!), but used it very little until recently. I feel, as with all on-line social networking, you need to persevere in order to build up a following, or even an interesting set of people to follow...who don't Tweet too much! I hate it when my timeline fills up with one person's ramblings (that's why I stopped following Stephen Fry who ordinarily I think is great)! So I will continue to read about the lives of the people I follow, pick up on interesting developments professionally, and hope that others will be entertained or informed by my tweets occasionally.
RSS feeds:
Never really been interested in news feeds personally, although I did include a few on our Library Intranet pages. Now I'm wondering how I could have got on without a Google Reader! It's great to be able to view all the bloggers I follow together for one thing, and I suspect that I will add more feeds progressively. I'm not too keen on the look of the Readers pages, they're very busy, a bit boring visually and quite untidy, but it's good to be able to scroll through a timeline of your favourite blogs. I like that it "marks as read" as you scroll through.
Well I've opened an account...and that I suspect is as far as it will go! I can see the value, but aren't there already lots of ways of sharing on-line stuff that you like. I'm not sure that adding a star rating is enough of an inducement for me to use it much, but we shall see...
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Thing 3 - Update...
...I looked into standardising my moniker and avatar, as being a fairly neat and tidy sort of person this was appealing. The later is easy to do if you can find the right representative image, but the former? Impossible if you're doing everything retrospectively because someone's bound to have already used your chosen name, as I found. Very frustrating! I wanted to change all my profiles to the title of this Blogg (AngleD) but someone on Twitter had already used that name. I had to stop myself from Tweeting her to ask if she'd give it that is perhaps a step too far in pursuit of the perfect personal brand!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Thing 3
Now I know this will look like I've started to procrastinate already (!), but I was on leave last week and have only just got back to work to have a go at Thing 3. Interestingly I didn't think I'd ever really considered how I would be seen as a brand, but realise that I am pretty fussy about what image I portray on those social networks I belong to, so must have been doing this subconsciously. It took me a long time to be happy with how this blog looked for example, but perhaps that's just my very particular aesthetic view of everything presenting itself, rather than a need to portray myself professionally. I haven't got a cohesive, single image linking everything together I've realised, such as the same background image or name across my profiles, so perhaps that's one of the things I could address to strengthen my "brand".
I already have Flickr, Twitter and Facebook profiles, and have always been quite particular about how I portray who I am on these, thinking carefully about what I do and don't post in terms of news about, and images of, myself, family and friends. However, I've done this from a personal viewpoint as I've not needed to portray a professional image up until now, but perhaps this blog will prove to be the beginning of a new professionally branded "Me"!
I "Google'd" myself as Angie2501 (which I use a lot as my moniker), and wasn't too concerned by what was presented as me. The hit list contained a lot of my photos from Flickr (which seem to be mainly of the dog at the moment!) and references to my Twitter profile. If I use my full name a more professional me appears with my work contact details etc., but only on the second page of results. This is fine at the moment bearing in mind that my public image is more personal than professional to date.
I'm hopeful that as I am so careful about what I post, the image of who I am and what interests me is appropriate, accurate and in my control. Although it would be interesting to hear what anyone who reads this thinks...
I already have Flickr, Twitter and Facebook profiles, and have always been quite particular about how I portray who I am on these, thinking carefully about what I do and don't post in terms of news about, and images of, myself, family and friends. However, I've done this from a personal viewpoint as I've not needed to portray a professional image up until now, but perhaps this blog will prove to be the beginning of a new professionally branded "Me"!
I "Google'd" myself as Angie2501 (which I use a lot as my moniker), and wasn't too concerned by what was presented as me. The hit list contained a lot of my photos from Flickr (which seem to be mainly of the dog at the moment!) and references to my Twitter profile. If I use my full name a more professional me appears with my work contact details etc., but only on the second page of results. This is fine at the moment bearing in mind that my public image is more personal than professional to date.
I'm hopeful that as I am so careful about what I post, the image of who I am and what interests me is appropriate, accurate and in my control. Although it would be interesting to hear what anyone who reads this thinks...
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Things 1 & 2

This is a daunting task having never written a Blog before, and although I'm quite an open, expressive sort of person, the thought of my musings being out there for all to see is a little unnerving...that's assuming that anyone will actually read it of course!
I've approached the "Things" the wrong way round really as I've been browsing through the list of participants for the past few days and delving into those Blogs whose title caught my attention. I've found there are some very erudite and witty people out there with some interesting thoughts to share.
What do I hope to gain from cpd23? As far as Web 2.0 is concerned I'd like to find out more about the stuff I haven't previously explored, Dropbox and Pushnote for example, and I'll be particularly fascinated to learn the outcome of "Thing 3: Consider your personal brand". I'm hoping to give up procrastinating as I'll likely get left behind, and also to try and acquire a more reflective writing style. As a result I might finally take the plunge and work towards Certification; quite a lot of procrastination has gone on in the past where that's concerned too!
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