Well now that I've got that off my chest...
My initial thoughts about this programme, how I'd likely procrastinate and get left behind, haven't quite happened (I'm only one week of "Things" adrift) so I'm pleased about that. However, it is my aim to keep more on top of my posts and not be repeatedly stalled by my fear that what I'm writing will in some way not measure up. It's not that I'm ignoring the tasks, it's that I'm failing to write about them in a timely way. I think this is because I have felt quite overawed by the easy style and wit of some of the Bloggers that I follow, so instead of being intimidated I'm going to try and be inspired and enthused. I need to comment on other's posts more often too, otherwise I will remain in a social network of one!
Of the tools we've covered so far I'm finding I use Twitter the most as I can link all my content on other networks like Flickr and Facebook through there, particularly the upload of my photos on Instagram. I'm a bit unsure about whether it's appropriate to have used an account I set up purely for a social purpose as a CPD tool though. Perhaps I should have opened a new account when I started this blog, although I fear it's a bit late for that now.
And finally...the Thing that I am finding the most difficult (as you've probably already guessed) is blogging. But I do understand the need, and do recognise what a valuable tool it will be for reflection and recall, so I will try very hard to be less cowed and more buoyed by the process!
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