Friday, 30 September 2011

Thing 17

Prezi...what a fantastic boredom alleviator! I haven't had anywhere near long enough to investigate it properly but the examples of how it can be used that I've looked at are really inspiring. I think creating a professional looking presentation would be easy if you posses a good sense of spatial awareness as it's so animated. Getting to grips with how it works and how best to link information would need time to get right I think, and sadly at the moment time is not something I have a lot of. So again, as with all the "Things" I think would be useful, I shall come back to it. However I'm sure it would be a great way to engage those attending the Library talk at our Corporate Induction...the usual glazed look in their eyes may actually clear for five minutes!

Slideshare looks a great way to promote yourself and your service. I've had a look at some of the visual CV's that are highlighted and they're a great attention grabbing idea, but it does cross my mind that soon we'll all be doing it and the impact and freshness of the idea will become the norm. But then that's the reason new and more dazzling tools emerge and progression happens so it's all part of the process, it's just that it's hard to keep up! I'm also constantly overawed by the way others express and present themselves with such wit and impact... failure at the first hurdle I fear!

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