This is a daunting task having never written a Blog before, and although I'm quite an open, expressive sort of person, the thought of my musings being out there for all to see is a little unnerving...that's assuming that anyone will actually read it of course!
I've approached the "Things" the wrong way round really as I've been browsing through the list of participants for the past few days and delving into those Blogs whose title caught my attention. I've found there are some very erudite and witty people out there with some interesting thoughts to share.
What do I hope to gain from cpd23? As far as Web 2.0 is concerned I'd like to find out more about the stuff I haven't previously explored, Dropbox and Pushnote for example, and I'll be particularly fascinated to learn the outcome of "Thing 3: Consider your personal brand". I'm hoping to give up procrastinating as I'll likely get left behind, and also to try and acquire a more reflective writing style. As a result I might finally take the plunge and work towards Certification; quite a lot of procrastination has gone on in the past where that's concerned too!
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